Sunday, April 15, 2012

About Amphetamines

Amphetamines are not illegal drugs--in fact, they are available with a doctor's prescription. However, they are often used in illegal ways. Using them without a prescription, or taking more than the prescribed dosage is considered drug abuse. What's more, anyone not officially authorized to sell amphetamines who distributes them to others can be prosecuted by drug enforcement agencies or other law enforcement, like local police.  

Despite the high risk for abuse, amphetamines can help some people who suffer from ADHD, or attention drficit hyperactivity disorder. It comes in many forms and is sold under several brand names, like Adderall, Dexedrine, Vyvanse and others. In addition to ADD or ADHD, they can help people who suffer from narcolepsy, which causes them to fall asleep unexpectedly.

Those who take amphetamines for an extended period of time are likely to become dependent on them, as there is high risk for addiction. Serious heart problems can also occur, and even young people experiences sudden death or heart attacks. The risks are higher for those with known heart problems.

Full infomation on amphetamines is available here:

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