Friday, April 6, 2012


Lunesta is a prescription sleeping aid that is meant for short-term use. It can help fight insomnia, although it is always best to find the root cause of sleep disorders for long-term relief. More info on Lunesta is on this page:

With the latest research on sleeping pills showing an increased risk of death, some people are left wondering if they should still take Lunesta or other sleep aids. The answer is that they are probably safe, and are not likely to be the root causes of early death. It is more likely that either the sleeping pills were prescribed to help sleeplessness that occured as a direct result of a dangerous illness, or that the inability to sleep contributed to a deadly condition. All humans need sleep to be healthy!

The lesson here is that it is important to figure out why you're not sleeping, to help build a healthy sleep cycle for life and protect from illnsesses like diabetes and heart disease, both of which are linked to poor sleep habits and can lead to death.

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